The Annual Canadian Education Fairs in Vietnam are organized by Canadian Education International (CEI-Vietnam). This year, the fairs will take place in two biggest cities of Vietnam: Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city. These fairs provide the opportunities to recruit Vietnamese students for the Spring, Summer and Fall intakes. We hope that this will be the significant pedal of our recruitment efforts in the gradually improving phase during the Covid-19 pandemic.
For further information, please contact
Mrs. Ngoc Nguyen at
Friday: July 29, 2022
Please note that spaces may fill up quickly.
• A $200 processing fee will be charged for cancellations made prior to August 19, 2022.
• For cancellations made from August 20 to September 20, 2022 (inclusively), the refund rate is 50%.
• There will be no refunds for cancellations made after September 20, 2022 or if the institution does not attend the events.
We can only accept payments by bank transfer.
Account Name : CANADA CO., LTD
Account Number (CAD) : 0071531055713
Bank name : Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam
Bank address : 41 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Swift Code : BFTVVNVX
Tel : +84 28 3822 1890
Website :
• Advertisement in major local newspapers (Tuoi Tre, Thanh Nien, Vietnam News, Hanoi Moi, Saigon Giai Phong – Chinese, Tien Phong)
• Online promotion: Facebook, Google, Youtube, Zalo, Coccoc, VNexpress, Mangduhoc, Dantri, Tuoi Tre online
• Direct mailing to parents/students, local education agents, principals, reporters and other partners.
• 100,000 flyers, 500 posters, banners and standees at street intersections, local schools and education agent offices
• 5,000 Fair guides
• Brand–name SMS to student and parent databases
• TV announcement (HTV9, VTV1)
• All agents assisting the institutions at the fairs must be registered with the organizer at the time of registration.
• Agents assisting Canadian institutions at the fairs will not advertise their own services on any of the booth/ table decorations. Only the name of the Canadian institution (or school board) shall be displayed on the signage.
• No promotional materials from agents, including business cards, flyers, bags, brochures and upcoming events,
will be displayed or distributed at the booths/tables or at the events.
• Agents are not allowed to wear their uniforms and/or logos at Fairs.
• The Canadian institutions that are represented by the local agents or that invite local agents to the fairs/events are responsible for ensuring that the agents fully adhere to these guidelines.
• Each institution is allowed a maximum of 2 representatives from the institution. For each fair, each institution may use at most one agent to assist at the booth. The agent needs to be registered with the Fair organizer at least 2 weeks prior to the events. The agent has access to the coffee breaks, but not the complimentary lunch. Lunch tickets for agents can be purchased with the organizer ($C60 for Hanoi and $C70 for HCMC). For a third participant, if any, the additional cost is $150/person/each city.
• CEI Vietnam reserves the right to remove agents from the Fairs if they do not comply with these rules.
• 5,000 copies will be printed and distributed to Fair visitors and visitors to CEI offices
• A5-Size - 148mm (W) x 210 mm (H)
• Full color
Please mark your boxes:
• Printed Promotional Materials Only, No Commercial Value, Not for Resale
• Name of Institutions and events must be clearly marked on at least on 2 sides of the boxes
• Please identify and label the number of all boxes shipped (i.e. 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3)
• Customs and taxes: All taxes and duties are the responsibility of the SENDER. Some shipments may take up to 3 or 4 weeks to clear customs. CEI-Vietnam will not be responsible for any shipments that do not clear customs in time for the Fairs.
• CEI-Vietnam also provides local printing service if you do not want to ship your materials to Vietnam
• Deadline for materials to arrive: September 16th, 2022
• We will also have a Gift Corner at Fairs for all visitors. It would be appreciated if you could send us or bring with you some school give-away items such as stuffed animals, USBs, pens, pencils, notebooks, cups, and other items so we can display at these corners and give them to students at the Fairs.
Administrative Assistant
Canadian Education International (CEI –VN)
Diamond Flower Tower, 5th Floor
1 Hoang Dao Thuy, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: +84 24 7303 0096 - Cell: +84 364 799 163
Administrative Assistant
Canadian Education International (CEI-VN)
Bao Lao Dong – Nguyen Kim Building, 4th Floor
198 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Ward 6, District 3,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: +84 28 39305875 - Cell: +84 986095232
(The official program will be sent to you by the end of September)
Bao Lao Dong – Nguyen Kim Building
4th Floor, 198 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City.
T: (84-28) 3930 5875
Hotline: +84 – 39 910 3104
Diamond Flower Tower
01 Hoang Dao Thuy, Nhan Chinh Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi
T: (84.24) 3718 5497
Hotline: +84 – 925 035 216
Contact Person:
Mrs. Ngoc Nguyen
C: (+84) 985 606 269
Duong Viet Building
2nd Floor, 30 Nguyen Huu Tho Hoa Thuan Tay Ward, Hai Chau District, Danang
T: (84.236) 3779 688
Hotline: +84 – 0372 693 681
Cell: (+84) 918 264121
Cell: (+84) 985 606269
Cell: (+84) 909 973120
Cell: (+84) 974 453401
Cell: (+84) 903 837910